Insomniac-Net ANSWERS --
Friday[37], Sep 09, 2016 [ALL
Tonight's Topic: "Survey Says: I Got Energy vAMPires!"
Good morning/evening, everybody! Thank you for joining us last night.
We hope you discovered something interesting during the time we spent together on the Insomniac Net last night.
Thanks to you all for playing along -- it was a lot of FUN for us. Hopefully, YOU had fun too!.
-- The ever-delightful Shelley [KF7TBA] and just plain old LW [K7LWA] (email
(Please Note: The Net Controller's Answers are always CORRECT (even if they aren't every time!)
Please check out Winsystem's Insomniac Trivia Net page.
You can get these Questions & Answers at the Yahoo-groups' Messages Link.
After tripping over yet another electrical
extension cord powering a
full of wall-warts,
I fell upon tonight's Trivia topic: Energy
Energy vampires are devices that use electricity even when they are turned off -- e.g., mobile device chargers, TVs, computers, DVRs, cable modems, printers, etc.
According to some commercial power suppliers, they can account for between 10 to 20 percent of your electric bill.
So, do YOU know how many of these power-sucking devices co-exist with you in your home.
Accordingly, for tonight's questions, we are doing a "Survey Says" episode which lets you tell us what the correct answers are -- for you!
Of course, for those who do not want to share your personal answers -- for whatever reason -- you can just use the answer "F".
Accordingly, please choose your answers from any of the 6 (reuseable) answers of "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", or "F" (if applicable!) for each question.
So, what do YOU SAY?
Question #1: How many energy vampires (that use electricity even when they are turned off) do you have?
A. None, or
B. Between 1 and 5, or
C. Between 6 and 10, or
D. Between 10 and 20, or
E. Greater than 20, or
F. Don't know.
Question #2: How many power-blocks do you have for plugging in power cords and/or other devices requiring power -- like small wall-warts (AC/DC power converters), etc,?
A. None, or
B. Between 1 and 5, or
C. Between 6 and 10, or
D. Between 10 and 20, or
E. Greater than 20, or
F. Don't know
Question #3: How many wall-warts (i.e., AC/DC power converters -- like battery chargers, mobile and wireless devices, shavers, electric toothbrushes, etc.) do you regularly use?
A. None, or
B. Between 1 and 5, or
C. Between 6 and 10, or
D. Between 10 and 20, or
E. Greater than 20, or
F. Don't know.
vampires are devices that use electricity even when they are turned off.
Together they can account for up to 20 percent of your electric bill.
You can improve your home’s energy savings by identifying and unplugging
your energy vampires.
Here are some examples of energy vampires:
Wall Warts: Devices – such as cell phone chargers – have a large plug. They consume energy, even when the device to be charged is not attached.
Bricks: Cords used with laptop computers, televisions and some cable TV equipment are often joined in the middle by large black boxes. These “bricks” use energy continuously as long as they remain plugged in.
Other examples are:
It sounds too simple to be true, but unplugging devices when not in use can save you money.
Eliminate Vampires to Make A Difference
By controlling your energy vampires, you can improve your energy savings.
++ QUOTE OF THE DAY ++ -- Dolly Parton:
"I'm an energy vampire. I just draw off everybody's energy. But I give it back."
Please include you name, Callsign, and those correct answers.
Good luck everyone!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
Next Week: ?????????
Thank you!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
INS2016[36]-09-09 (2016-252)
Posted 2016-09-10 02:00PT
BLOGed 2016-09-10 02:00PT
- 30 -
Tonight's Topic: "Survey Says: I Got Energy vAMPires!"
Good morning/evening, everybody! Thank you for joining us last night.
We hope you discovered something interesting during the time we spent together on the Insomniac Net last night.
Thanks to you all for playing along -- it was a lot of FUN for us. Hopefully, YOU had fun too!.
-- The ever-delightful Shelley [KF7TBA] and just plain old LW [K7LWA] (email
(Please Note: The Net Controller's Answers are always CORRECT (even if they aren't every time!)
Please check out Winsystem's Insomniac Trivia Net page.
You can get these Questions & Answers at the Yahoo-groups' Messages Link.
Energy vampires are devices that use electricity even when they are turned off -- e.g., mobile device chargers, TVs, computers, DVRs, cable modems, printers, etc.
According to some commercial power suppliers, they can account for between 10 to 20 percent of your electric bill.
So, do YOU know how many of these power-sucking devices co-exist with you in your home.
Accordingly, for tonight's questions, we are doing a "Survey Says" episode which lets you tell us what the correct answers are -- for you!
Of course, for those who do not want to share your personal answers -- for whatever reason -- you can just use the answer "F".
Accordingly, please choose your answers from any of the 6 (reuseable) answers of "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", or "F" (if applicable!) for each question.
So, what do YOU SAY?
BUT first,
a word from our Sponsor:
The WIN System has been hosting the Insomniac Net since 1998, many of you are talking into the WIN System to participate in the Insomniac Net.
If you’ve ever thought about supporting the WIN System, and helping us keep the lights turned on, we would surely appreciate your help now.
You can join, or make a donation, by going to our website “” and clicking on the membership or donation page “".
Thanks so much for your consideration.
++ "Survey
Says: I Got Energy vAMPires!"
The WIN System has been hosting the Insomniac Net since 1998, many of you are talking into the WIN System to participate in the Insomniac Net.
If you’ve ever thought about supporting the WIN System, and helping us keep the lights turned on, we would surely appreciate your help now.
You can join, or make a donation, by going to our website “” and clicking on the membership or donation page “".
Thanks so much for your consideration.
Question #1: How many energy vampires (that use electricity even when they are turned off) do you have?
A. None, or
B. Between 1 and 5, or
C. Between 6 and 10, or
D. Between 10 and 20, or
E. Greater than 20, or
F. Don't know.
Question #2: How many power-blocks do you have for plugging in power cords and/or other devices requiring power -- like small wall-warts (AC/DC power converters), etc,?
A. None, or
B. Between 1 and 5, or
C. Between 6 and 10, or
D. Between 10 and 20, or
E. Greater than 20, or
F. Don't know
Question #3: How many wall-warts (i.e., AC/DC power converters -- like battery chargers, mobile and wireless devices, shavers, electric toothbrushes, etc.) do you regularly use?
A. None, or
B. Between 1 and 5, or
C. Between 6 and 10, or
D. Between 10 and 20, or
E. Greater than 20, or
F. Don't know.

Here are some examples of energy vampires:
Wall Warts: Devices – such as cell phone chargers – have a large plug. They consume energy, even when the device to be charged is not attached.
Bricks: Cords used with laptop computers, televisions and some cable TV equipment are often joined in the middle by large black boxes. These “bricks” use energy continuously as long as they remain plugged in.
Other examples are:
- Cable/satellite boxes
- Digital TV converters
- DVR, VCR, DVD players
- Mobile/cellular devices
- MP3 players
- Video game consoles
- Standby coffee makers
- Devices that turn on instantly via remote control
- Devices with standby light or clock

It sounds too simple to be true, but unplugging devices when not in use can save you money.
Eliminate Vampires to Make A Difference
By controlling your energy vampires, you can improve your energy savings.
- Use energy-saving features commonly built into personal computers.
- Plug wall warts and bricks into power strips, and turn them off when not needed. Using “smart” power strips makes it even easier. These power strips automatically cut off power when devices are not in use.
++ QUOTE OF THE DAY ++ -- Dolly Parton:
"I'm an energy vampire. I just draw off everybody's energy. But I give it back."
LINKS: Questions = 2016[37]Q -- Ins-Net Qs for Sep 09, 2016: "Survey Says: I Got Energy vAMPires!" Answers = 2016[37]A -- Ins-Net As for Sep 09, 2016: "Survey Says: I Got Energy vAMPires!" |
Please include you name, Callsign, and those correct answers.
Good luck everyone!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
Next Week: ?????????
Thank you!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
INS2016[36]-09-09 (2016-252)
Posted 2016-09-10 02:00PT
BLOGed 2016-09-10 02:00PT
- 30 -
Posted by K7LWA.INS at 2016-09-10 02:00 PT USA
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