KF7TBA+K7LWA's Friday Insomniac-Net BLOG

KF7TBA+K7LWA's Friday Insomniac-Net BLOG
Have we got some really, really good Qs&As for you!

Friday, September 18, 2015

2015[38]A -- Ins-Net As for Sep 18, 2015: "U-Pick-Em: A or B ("Glad to See Yur Back!")" [B-A-B]

Insomniac-Net ANSWERS -- Friday[38], Sep 18, 2015 [ B - A - B ]
Tonight's Topic: "U-Pick-Em: A or B ("Glad to See Yur Back!")"
ANSWERS = [ B - A - B ]
    Good morning/evening, everybody! Thank you for joining us last night.
    We hope you discovered something interesting during the time we spent together on the Insomniac Net last night.
    Thanks to you all for playing along -- it was a lot of FUN for us. Hopefully, you had fun too!
        -- The ever-delightful Shelley [KF7TBA] and just plain old LW [K7LWA] (email K7LWA.INS@gmail.com).
    (Please Note: The Net Controller's Answers are always CORRECT (even if they aren't every time!)
    Please check out Winsystem's Insomniac Trivia Net page.
    You can get these Questions & Answers at the Yahoo-groups' Messages Link.
     Tonight we return to the Question Category: "U-Pick-Em: A or B".
    Basically, we will give you 2 Answers per Questions and you pick the correct one -- either A or B.
    On this day, September 18, 1895 -- just a mere 120 years ago in Davenport, Iowa -- D.D. Palmer performed the first (reported) chiropractic adjustment on Harvey Lillard.
    Prior to calling himself the "Discoverer of Chiropratric", Palmer was a school teacher, a beekeeper, a black raspberry grower, and a merchantile store operator.
    In 1885, Palmer begins a new career as a Magnetic Healer providing a "cure without medicine" practice that became very successful and profitable.
    Ten years later, in 1895, Palmer described his new healing practice by the term "...Chiropractic... to designate the science and art of adjusting vertebrae" (i.e., the spine).
    Thus, for D.D. Palmer, all disease was caused by nerves that are pinched by misaligned spinal vertebrae.
    So, how much more do you know about... D.D. Palmer and the Chiropractic?
    Please give us your best answers for each of the following 3 A or B questions, by picking the (reuseable) answers of "A"= A or "B"= B.
    Good Luck and remember, YOU are always a WINNER with us, regardless of your actual answers!
    OK, Let's get crackin'!
 ++ "U-Pick-Em: A or B ("Glad to See Yur Back!")" ++
Question #1: Palmer's friend and patient, Rev. Samuel Weed, helped choose the name "Chiropractic" for Palmer's new treatment. What was it's origin and meaning?
        A. Greek: "kherœ" ("healing") and "prækteð" ("practice") -- "healing practice", or
        B. Greek: "chero" ("hand") and "praktik" ("done") -- "done by hand".

    "... [D.D. Palmer] rejected terms that tended to suggest curing by healers and physicians.
    Chiropractic is manual -- done by the hand, but not therapeutical, does not use remedies.
    (quoted from Palmer's book, The Chiropractor's Adjuster [1910])
Consistent with his view that he had discovered an entirely new principle and practice, Palmer wished to name the new art, science, and philosophy.
He sought help from a friend, patient, and Greek Scholar, Reverend Samuel Weed.
He wished the name to reflect the fact that the new art was "done by hand."
Reverend Weed offered numerous possible Greek phrases as options.
[Some of these were: Kirize -- "done by hand", Chirotherapeutist -- "curing with medicine", Chiriatric (Kiriatrus) -- "hand physician", Chirocatartist -- "hand adjuster", and Chiropractic -- "done by hand".]
Finally, Chiropractic, literally meaning "done by hand" was chosen by the founder as the best representation."
         [Source: Old Dad Chiro: his thoughts, words, and deeds pp. 70-71]
"Who was Rev. Samuel Weed?
Assists DD Palmer with naming his discovery using Greek terms; cheir = hand; praktos = done"
    "...Palmer's career in chiropractic had many ups and downs and curves.
    Throughout his life he engaged in flamboyant advertising campaigns, was constantly plagued by lawsuits, and feuded with his son, B. J., over virtually everything, from chiropractic methods to business practices.
    He coined the word "chiropractic" in January 1896 from two Greek words, " chero" (hand) and " praktik" (done)."

         [Source: Palmer, Daniel David – The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa -The University of Iowa]

 Question #2: What was Harvey Lillard's ailment that D.D. Palmer allegedly "cured" by realigning Lillard's cervical-thoracic spine?
        A. Seventeen years of deafness, or
        B. A moderate hump-back on his right side.
Harvey Lillard (L) was the janitor in the building at Ryan Block, Davenport, IA.
D.D. Palmer's practice was on the top floor (42 rooms)
1896 (Jan-Apr): According to Harvey Lillard's testimonial in the January, 1897 issue (p. 3) of The Chiropractic, he didn't learn of Palmer's new science until January of 1896, and received two treatments for his deafness between January and April of 1896
I was deaf 17 years and I expected to always remain so, for I had
doctored a great deal without any benefit. I had long ago made up
my mind to not take any more ear treatments, for it did me no good.
Last January Dr. Palmer told me that my deafness came from an
injury in my spine. This was new to me; but it is a fact that my back
was injured at the time I went deaf. Dr. Palmer treated me on the
spine; in two treatments I could hear quite well. That was eight
months ago. My hearing remains good.
HARVEY LILLARD, 320 W. Eleventh St., Davenport, Iowa
        [SOURCE: D.D. Palmer's Lifeline p. 6]

Question #3: On March 27, 1906, Dr. D.D. Palmer was found guilty on the charge of practicing medicine without a license. He was committed to the county jail to serve out his sentence of 105 days or pay a fine of $350. He refused to pay the fine -- why?
        A. He was bankrupt and nobody came forward to pay his fine, or
        B. He felt it was great publicity for his business to stay in jail.
        "...The court offered D.D. Palmer the alternative of paying the fine, but the founder refused thinking that martydom could be a useful tool for promoting chriopractic (and perhaps thinking that each day served would diminish the amount owed).
    A 1906 newspaper article [in The Davenport Democrat -- see QUOTES below] chronicled an interview with D.D. at the Scott County Jail, where we was confined in a cell."
[Source: Old Dad Chiro: his thoughts, words, and deeds p. 72]
For more details about Palmer's other legal (and political) problems, please see the chronological-based article: D.D. Palmer's Lifeline]
Basic References about D.D. Palmer's, The Discoverer of Chiropractic:
Old Dad Chiro: his thoughts, words, and deeds
D.D. Palmer's Lifeline
Palmer, Daniel David – The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa -The University of Iowa
Did American social and economic events from 1865 to 1898 influence D.D. Palmer the chiropractor and entrepreneur
Want more trivia about D.D. Palmer? -- check this out:  Pre Chiropractic & DD Palmer flashcards Quizlet
    ++ QUOTES OF THE DAY ++ -- Dr. D.D. Palmer Writes a new Line of Valuable Maxims --
From the Scott County Jail He Sends Messages of Optimism to the Outside World.
When asked by a Davenport Democrat reporter “How to Make a Jail Sentence Easy,” Dr. D.D. Palmer made the following remarks.
    Be sure you are in the right.

    Keep busy; always have something to do.
    Keep your person and room clan and neat.
    Don’t worry. Let the fellow who committed the Injustice do that.
    If you are in the right you can afford to hold your temper; if in the wrong you you can’t afford to lose it.
    Be thankful for small favors, hoping to receive larger ones.
    Have no regrets. Take your medicine with a smile..
    Jails have contained some of the best, as well as the worst men.
    Treat the sheriff, turn key and guards with due respect; they have their duties to perform.
    Have a clear conscience and a good appetite.
    Feel that your cause is just, that you are imprisoned for righteousness. Thus does time pass quickly and pleasantly.
    Others have suffered for conscience sake, and the uplifting of their fellow men.
   [Q3]: Persecution or prosecution creates sympathy, sympathy generates investigators, investigation produces followers, who become more zealous and persistent in spreading their peculiar doctrines.
    [Q3]: Thousands will be benefited by my incarceration. It has already been copied in hundreds of newspapers, and stimulate the growth of our business.
Discoverer and Developer of Chiropractic.
[Source: D.D. Palmer's Lifeline]
Questions = 2015[38]Q -- Ins-Net Qs for Sep 18, 2015: "U-Pick-Em: A or B ("Glad to See Yur Back!")"
Answers = 2015[38]A -- Ins-Net As for Sep 18, 2015: "U-Pick-Em: A or B ("Glad to See Yur Back!")"
Please include you name, Callsign, and those correct answers.
Good luck everyone!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
NOTE: Be sure to check out additional info & photos on
KF7TBA+K7LWA's Friday Insomniac-Net BLOG
NOTE: Blog may have Questions posted earlier than Yahoo!
Next Week: WYHearIWYG!
Thank you!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
Posted 2015-09-19 13:15PT
- 30 - 

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