KF7TBA+K7LWA's Friday Insomniac-Net BLOG

KF7TBA+K7LWA's Friday Insomniac-Net BLOG
Have we got some really, really good Qs&As for you!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Insomniac-Net ANSWERS -- Friday[47], Nov 24, 2017 [B - B - C]

Insomniac-Net ANSWERS -- Friday[47], Nov 24, 2017 [B - B - C]
Tonight's Topic: "Who's the Pest?"
ANSWERS =  [B - B - C]
Rated: TV-PG
    Good morning/evening, everybody! Thank you for joining us last night.
    We hope you discovered something interesting during the time we spent together on the Insomniac Net last night.
        -- The ever-delightful Shelley [KF7TBA] and just plain old LW [K7LWA] (email K7LWA.INS@gmail.com).
    (Please Note: The Net Controller's Answers are always CORRECT (even if they aren't every time!)
    Please check out Winsystem's Insomniac Trivia Net page.
    You can get these Questions & Answers at the Yahoo-groups' Messages Link.

    According to the BBC4 Radio Extra programme Who's the Pest?, at any time there are ten QUINTILLION insects alive.
    Although insects may be considered friend or pest, they constitute the largest number of living species in the world.
    Accordingly, we offer for your approval, 3 Questions about "Who's the Pest?"
    Please choose your answers from any of the 3 (reuseable) Answers of "A", "B", or "C" (if applicable!) for each of the questions.  
    Good Luck and remember, YOU are always a WINNER with us, regardless of your actual answers!
++ "Who's the Pest?" ++
Question #1: How many legs do insects have?
        A. 4, or
        B. 6, or
        C. 8.
Meet the six-legged rulers of the world: INSECTS"
[SOURCE: BBC Radio 4 Extra - Who's the Pest?]
Question #2: When printed out, 10 Quintillion shows the number 10 followed by how many zeros?
        A. 15 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000, or
        B. 18 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000, or
        C. 21 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
"... a quintillion is one billion billion and can be written as follows: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
One quintillion has nineteen numbers. One one, followed by eighteen zeros.
[SOURCE: How many zeros in a quintillion?]
Question #3: Entomologists claim that insects make up the majority of species on the earth. What percent of living species do they represent?
        A. 60%, or
        B. 75%, or
        C. 80%.
"They make up a mighty 80% of the species on earth, and at any time there are ten QUINTILLION of them living.
[SOURCE: BBC Radio 4 Extra - Who's the Pest?]
++ QUESTION OF THE DAY ++ -- Entomologist Erica McAlister -- British Musum of Natural History
        "Insect world is populated by beings with superpowers - an amazing sense of smell, lightning reflexes, the ability to fly at dizzying speed or walk on the ceiling."
Please include you name, Callsign, and those correct answers.
Good luck everyone!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
Next Week: ????
Thank you!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
(*=Cat Staff)
INS2017[47]-11-24    2017-328
Posted 2017-11-25 02:00PT
- 30 -

Friday, November 24, 2017

Insomniac-Net Questions -- Friday[47], Nov 24, 2017

Insomniac-Net Questions -- Friday[47], Nov 24, 2017
Tonight's Topic: "Who's the Pest?"
Rated: TV-PG
    Good morning/evening, everybody! Thank you for joining us tonight.
    We hope you'll discover something interesting during the time we spend together on the Insomniac Net for the next 90+ minutes.
        -- The ever-delightful Shelley [KF7TBA] and just plain old LW [K7LWA] (email K7LWA.INS@gmail.com).
    (Please Note: The Net Controller's Answers are always CORRECT (even if they aren't every time!)
    Please check out Winsystem's Insomniac Trivia Net page.
    You can get these Questions & Answers at the Yahoo-groups' Messages Link.

    According to the BBC4 Radio Extra programme Who's the Pest?, at any time there are ten QUINTILLION insects alive.
    Although insects may be considered friend or pest, they constitute the largest number of living species in the world.
    Accordingly, we offer for your approval, 3 Questions about "Who's the Pest?"
    Please choose your answers from any of the 3 (reuseable) Answers of "A", "B", or "C" (if applicable!) for each of the questions.  
    Good Luck and remember, YOU are always a WINNER with us, regardless of your actual answers!
++ "Who's the Pest?" ++
Question #1: How many legs do insects have?
        A. 4, or
        B. 6, or
        C. 8.
Question #2: When printed out, 10 Quintillion shows the number 10 followed by how many zeros?
        A. 15 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000, or
        B. 18 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000, or
        C. 21 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Question #3: Entomologists claim that insects make up the majority of species on the earth. What percent of living species do they represent?
        A. 60%, or
        B. 75%, or
        C. 80%.
            [SOURCE: BBC Radio 4 Extra - Who's the Pest?]
++ QUESTION OF THE DAY ++ -- Entomologist Erica McAlister -- British Musum of Natural History
        "Insect world is populated by beings with superpowers - an amazing sense of smell, lightning reflexes, the ability to fly at dizzying speed or walk on the ceiling."
Please include you name, Callsign, and those correct answers.
Good luck everyone!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
Next Week: ????
Tonight's CALL LIST (*=Cat Staff)
INS2017[47]-11-24    2017-328
NEW to List
Pending (else TTFN)
Need 2nd Check-In to get on List
||| -- Net Controllers & WhizKids (regular Check-Ins) [+5-10 mins]
KE6LGE    Big Al
KG6PH    Chuck
N5ZUA    Steve
K4GET    Ronald 
KG5IOK    Terry
N6MGW    Herb
K6CBR    Bryan 
||| -- Alternate Net Controllers (Will Call)
K6LBL    Linda
AF6EQ    Russell
K6TAV    Tom
K6KYA    Steve
KF6HBU    Roger
KG6JJM    June
K6IXQ    Scott
KF6QBW    Jim
KI7CJY    Christina
W7PRV    Shi
KE7ULC    Ron
KF7FCQ    Joy
K6JSI    Shorty
N6WI    Uncle Terry
||| -- Long Time Friends
KI6MAH    Paige
VE6PWT    Bob ("I think my radio is bugged!")
KI6JIP    Bud
KB7EM    Howard
K7ZH    Bob Miller
K7BRH    Ron
W7RCL+    Jean
W7RCL    Ron
KH6GKK    Paul
K7KFG    Kurt
K6PMS    Phil
KC8TJV    Marilyn
N7WNS    Will
[[ Re-READ? ]]   [+20-25 mins]
||| -- OVER THERE    
DU9/G8IRC David+Rose+Max
VK5ZEA    Michael
JS1LQI    Masa
VK2DY    Robert
||| -- EAST, CEN, MTN, AZ Coasts       [+30-35 mins]
KD5PUR    Andrew*
AC2NW    Mike
VA3KVI    Kevin
KB3BYJ    Mike
KB3YRC    Rich
KN4DOK    Mike
KB1ZGP    Joe
KE8BTS    Abbot
WD0JIM    Jim
KD3WT    Rick
K5CAP    Craig
W5KZP    Ken
KG5QOS    John
W3NH    Owen
K4DXY    David
W4JGD    Glenn
K7CAE    Chuck
KD7ZXU    Earl
KI7FTM    Alex*
KI7DUL    Wayne
W7LHC+    Joyce
W7LHC    Don
W9ECO    Adam
KI7PVR    Jared
||| -- Beav & Duck Lands   [+40-45 mins]
W7MTL    Craig
W7FIF    Mary
WA7ABU    Dan
W7DWE    Don*
KA7NDI    Candace
K7VFO    Jeremy
N7DKB    Debra
NW7OR    Richard
K7TRX    Henry
KI7ATT    Marty
KI7ATS    Jeff
KI7HCR    Andy
KE7VWX    Everett
KI7KXG    Delton
KB7OK    Kerry
KG7CSS    Richard
W7PTO    Larry
||| -- WA Territory  
 (Seattle area) MT BALDI is WORKING -- 441.625 + 100.0.
Puget Sound WA area access:
  Rich [W7VTX] - Seattle (Thank you!)
     146.550 (Simplex) PL=123.0
     445.800 (Simplex) PL=103.5
  Lonney [KL3NO] - Puyallup (Thank you!)
     145.770 Simplex PL=123.0
K7PIA    Philip
KG7ODB    Dean
KC7VUN    James
KI7DQH    Jeff
AE7WZ    Tony
KG6RYC    Patrick
AD7TM+    Linda
AD7TM    Bill
VA6PW    Paul
VE3MAT    Matt
VA7XNL    Sheldon
[[ NODE DROP ]]  [[ Re-READ? ]]
||| -- Points West+Up       [+50-55 mins]
KK6EDW+    Kate
KK6EDW    Brian
W6TCD    Ben
W6TL    Tony
KI6GVY    Anthony
KJ6YAO    Jack
KK6HVR    Joanie
KK6KOH    Mark
KK6HWN    Paul
KK6IMI    Ruben
W6RBC    Barry*
K1KMO    Kevin
AA6TT    Mike
N6CCW    John
KB6WR    Steve
KB6TR    Terry
KC6FLB    Lance
KK6MWW    Eric
KI7SY    Frank
KK6IPR    Charles
W6MAG    Mike*
N6PUL    John
K2FFT    Al
KK6ZLH    Patrick*
KM6FDD    Lloyd*
KF6BWY    Ray
W6BZP+    Cheryl
W6BZP    Bob
KE6KOI    Ben
K6PHB    John
W9KKN    Bill*
N6RVB    Dan
KM6AME    Rick
AI6PD    Mike
KM6WTF    Jeff*
KM6FCY    Steven
KI6QXS    Gary
KB6WSD    Randy*
KM6IOK    Carl*
K6GOP    Chuck
W1FRD     Fred
KJ6UZS    Steven
K6WA    Dave
KI6INW    John
KE6KJL    Frank
K6JAE    Jeff
KE6AZO    John
KD6JVV    Ronnie
N6KMA    Brian
WB2MVM    Marc
KM6JSW    Joe
KM6KMT    Samantha*
KM6IRY    Vince*
KI6AZT    Larry
KI6BHN    Garrett
KC6MMN    Alex
KK7YB    Don
KJ6IQV    Denzil*
KI6HFB    Robert
KK6WFJ    Terry
N6SUN    Dirk
AA6TU    Tu
KM6DNM    Dan
KK6WUB    Doug
KM6MNS    Joe
WD6AJR    David
KK6TGP    Dennis
WA6TBH    Bob + Betty
W6WEZ    Jay
KI7PMQ    Benny
KB3ICC    Jason
M6IFA    John
||| -- NEW (or RETURNED) Last Week       [+1:10 - 1:20 hr]
KF7TCA    Marty
||| -- PENDING   [+1:10 - 1:20 hr]
W7FAB    Tony
N6GYY    Chuck

[[ NODE DROP ]]?
||| -- EMAIL/Late 
VA7RJE    Rob
KB2LEN    Len
KE7FTV    Lori
AE7AN    Al
KL7WM    Daniel
KL7WM+    Dianna
K6AJY    Bryan 
WB6CSH    Mike
KK6RYJ+ Cynthia
KK6RYJ    Gary
VE7SXM    Steve
N6ESG    Glen
N0DKC    Deb
WB6ZQS    James
KL7ES    Paul
KI7DEF    Josh
AE7WZ    Tony
KG6RYC    Patrick
AD7TM+    Linda
AD7TM    Bill
W7LHC+    Joyce
W7LHC    Don
JN2UNC    Toshiaki (Toshi)
KD6LOG    Cheryl
KO6GS    Darrell
[[ Re-READ? ]]
[[ Late, Missed, or New ]]     [+1:15 - ? hr]
Posted 2017-11-2 22:45PT
- 30 - 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Insomniac-Net ANSWERS -- Friday[46], Nov 17, 2017 [ A - C - C]

Insomniac-Net ANSWERS -- Friday[46], Nov 17, 2017 [ A - C - C]
Tonight's Topic: "Tell the Truth"
ANSWERS = [ A - C - C]
Rated: TV-PG
    Good morning/evening, everybody! Thank you for joining us last night.
    We hope you discovered something interesting during the time we spent together on the Insomniac Net last night.
        -- The ever-delightful Shelley [KF7TBA] and just plain old LW [K7LWA] (email K7LWA.INS@gmail.com).
    (Please Note: The Net Controller's Answers are always CORRECT (even if they aren't every time!)
    Please check out Winsystem's Insomniac Trivia Net page.
    You can get these Questions & Answers at the Yahoo-groups' Messages Link.

    To tell the truth, most of us know the Legend of Will Tell.
    As the legend goes, over seven hundred years ago (1307), William Tell shot an arrow through a piece of fruit on his son’s head
    Most historians believe this famous archer never existed.*

    Accordingly, we offer for your approval, 3 Questions about that the Legend of William Tell?
    Please choose your answers from any of the 3 (reuseable) Answers of "A", "B", or "C" (if applicable!) for each of the questions.  
    Good Luck and remember, YOU are always a WINNER with us, regardless of your actual answers!

++ "Tell the Truth" ++
Question #1: What was the fruit that Tell shot an arrow through atop his son's head?
        A. An apple, or
        B. A banana, or
        C. A cantaloupe.

            Seven hundred years ago, William Tell shot an arrow through an apple on his son’s head and launched the struggle for Swiss independence. Or did he?

Question #2: What was Tell's "nationality" based on where lived?
        A. Prussian, or
        B. Italian, or
        C. Swiss.

        Tell’s story is cherished by the Swiss and central to their sense of origins—
        witness the image of Tell’s crossbow stamped on every item of export that passes Switzerland’s borders, as proof that it is truly made in Switzerland

Question #3: Which 1950's Cowboy TV series ended each episode with a "Hi Ho, Silver" and finale of Rossini's William Tell Overture?
        A. Maverick, or
         B. Wagon Train, or
        C. The Lone Ranger.
        Rossini - William Tell Overture finale "Lone Ranger theme" (Youtube Video)

        [SOURCE: In Search of William Tell -- Smithsonian Magazine]

++ QUESTION OF THE DAY ++ -- Who was William Tell? - SWI swissinfo.ch
Was he a real person and, if so, is there any evidence supporting the claims that he performed the heroic deeds attributed to him?"

*In Search of William Tell -- Smithsonian Magazine
Seven hundred years ago, William Tell shot an arrow
 through an apple on his son’s head

and launched the struggle for Swiss independence. Or did he?

Please include you name, Callsign, and those correct answers.
Good luck everyone!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]
Next Week: La NiƱa
Thank you!
Shelley [KF7TBA] & LW [K7LWA]

INS2017[46]-11-17    2017-321
Posted 2017-11-18 03:30PT
- 30 -